Fast and Easy OpenVPN Setup

With increasing concerns about privacy and tracking as well as the raging debate over network neutrality, the need for VPNs are ever increasing. The following guide will get you up and running on a USDedicated VPS server with OpenVPN and two free user accounts. This guide will walk you through the install as well as web interface!

Order a KVM based package in the location closest to you!

After payment and instant provisioning, not your main IP address and your root password.

Login via SSH using your root password.

Run the following commands:

cd ~
dpkg -i openvpn-as-2.1.12-Ubuntu16.amd_64.deb
passwd openvpn

Set a complex and hard to guess secure password. Remember this, as it is how you will access the web interface.

passwd vpnuser

Set a complex and hard to guess secure password. Remember this, as it is how you will login to the VPN using your client.

Access your web interface, using your main IP, and the openvpn username and password:


From here, select 'Server Network Settings'. From there, ensure your VPN is set to use your main IP address (likely named 'eth0')

Next, select 'User Permissions' and enter your 'vpnuser' username and make sure to check the box allow access.

Your vpnuser can now visit the following URL to connect and download the OpenVPN client application:


Once connected, visit to confirm that your VPS IP now shows up!

That's it! You are now routing your traffic securely through your VPS service!

  • vpn, openvpn, vps
  • 5 Users Found This Useful
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