The breakdown of servers with HTML 5 console availability is based on the motherboard. If listed as "never" below, this is not an invalid determination: the motherboard manufacturer has end-of-life'd the motherboard and will not release updated firmwares.
Based on CPUs listed on our server inventory page, HTML 5 availability is as follows:
E-2236, E-2286G, Ryzen 5900X: yes
E5-1650v3/v4: yes, few are upgraded, many are not, we're happy to upgrade them if you get one that doesn't have it.
E3-1270v5/v6: yes, many are upgraded, few are not, we're happy to upgrade these too.
E3-1271v3: possible, but as this CPU is in two different boards, and one of the boards doesn't support the HTML5 console while the other does, it's difficult to know which you're going to get. This is also a weird "intermediate" release that Supermicro made where the console is a bit unstable. If HTML5 console availability is the make/break of your purchase decision, recommend considering this as "never" too.
E3-1270: never
Note that with regards to IPMI firmware upgrades, this is not considered an emergency situation, so recommend checking on purchase if it's available, as it'll be upgraded during US business hours only.